This Thursday, November 30th, from 7 a.m. until 9 a.m. GMT (2 hours), Mu legend is going to be performing maintenance as a way to re-enable the Mu legend Zen transaction function within the Auction Property. On the other hand, Redzen transactions, mail exchange system plus the player 1on1 trade will stay temporarily suspended as investigations are nevertheless on-going. After the upkeep on November 30th, you will discover the Auction Residence unchanged in its frontend mechanism, whereas the backend setup has had its safety parameters boosted. The Redzen section on the Auction House can also be benefiting from these protective actions. However, the 2-week-long investigations targeting the fraudulent operations are still on-going. Mu legend has been continuously taking firm and irrevocable measures against thousands of abusive accounts and practices. Meanwhile, our portfolio of "dissuasive" tools happen to be adjusted to counter destructive behaviors, and Mu legend has dras...
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