1. Luck of construction Epic mob disappears after time after finding golden goblins, marble goblins, magic powder fairy double goblins
2. The extent to which a cube can be reached is known at the reopening cost
3. There are currently two sets for each occupation
4. PC users can access the tower and the blood castle three times a day (Paste + Platinum Plus user) (susio, lind)
5. Soul level leveling is the fastest of the Rupa's labyrinth
6. Fabrice Garden Bossom's dancing pattern is not solved by the purification of Dark Road.
7. The aura effect of various monsters is maintained for 1 second even if the aura mob disappears or the mob is taken out of range
8. If you do not have enough marble, let's make up the number of times of construction,
9. There is not a 1.5 times buff in the middle of the construction gap even if the area rushes.
10. The Dark Road is cute
10. Vulcan's gaze of the artifact (sunrise) is a red bead, and the buff effect lasts for +200% damage for 5 seconds
11. If Platinum plus or Fleece user, it is good to go to the first day of the second day of the last day of the first day
After replacing the characteristics on the first day before inoculation, after clearing the second plate, after connecting the second day, clearing the second edition
12. Zen The increase in the amount of acquisition is high, but there is no more marine. There is a stat amount of stones to acquire stones.
13. If the tempo setting is similar (including artifacts and gems), but the difference in attack power is great, it is the difference of the pet
Make sure you do not open all of your pet mates.
14. Kaizel's damage-sharing chain is cut off if it goes beyond a certain distance
15. Artifacts - Patience is hard to build 10 stacks It's harder to keep
16. If you do not see your wings, you can not see them, but when others see them, they are flapping hard
17. The increase in myths and sets is stronger
18. Ranking of each dungeon, tower, etc. When you view user information, the system setting and skill are the skill and the system setting currently used by the person
Be aware of the skill tree and system settings that you have cleared.
19. From Platinum you can press the F2 key momentarily
20. Marshmallow mine, Fabrice gardens, Lulu's secret safe Clear Cube can only be opened with Red Zen
I do not want to open up any further mistakes, as Red Zen would have known.
21. If you put two same weapons, you search with one-handed weapons, and weapons that attach like a shield (spell, spellbook) must be searched with a primary weapon
22. Dungeons with boss dropping cubes drop two cube from stalk 2 at a stochastic rate, and at stage 5, two unconditional dancers
(Fly and fix it)
23. Majyeongseong mine, Fabrice gardens, Laurie's secret treasury, the base of resurrection to the room of the work is out
24. Blood Castle is harder to clear when you go to 5-player
25. The difference between the red and blue plates is a sign of avoiding the fireplace.
26. The forward deflection of the bosses is struck in a narrower range than the actual motion
27. monsters with monsters have a hook effect and attract the user, but this hook can be avoided
28. The remains of artifacts can be cracked with debris
29. Wing costume and costume Costume is attached to the fighting power.
30. The recovery potion and the period of Naturah are cool.
31. You can change the appearance of the equipment from the appearance changer. If you do not like the costume costume or if you do not like it,
32. Polystal: Ruffa's study item has a dungeon difficulty for each grade, and legendary fairy-
The last boss comes out with a rupee.
33. If you want to do your wing up a little bit faster, do 33 pvp and get the seal of power as proof of your fury.
34. Hushin passes to elite general mob, but nothing to the boss. The boss's eyes are infrared.
35. Summoned Pet + Peer Pet Combined Attack Power% bonus is added
36. The sculptures of the bosom soul in the mythical dungeon and the sculpture of the boscop soul in the general dungeon are other items
There are currently no systems available to create the mythical dungeon bosom soul sculpture (there are many soul fragments in addition to this)
37. Buf-type summoning hold-type skill, skills and skills to complete when you go to eat rice with a coin press
Will be added later
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